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Don't Delay


As 2022 comes to a close and as you reflect on your and your family’s blessings, I hope that you will make the Liver Health Foundation your charity of choice for your year-end tax-deductible contributions. Liver Health Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) entity. Our tax ID number is: 87-3216218. We are the only California based foundation focused on the liver community. Each day we help patients with support, education, and resources to navigate through their diagnosis and cope with the harsh reality of their liver disease. 


There are over four million liver patients in California alone. Liver Health Foundation has been a beacon of hope for them with our life-saving mission to facilitate, advocate and promote education, support and research for the prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease. Without your support and financial contributions, we cannot continue to provide education and support to so many in our community. 


As I look back at 2022, I feel proud to have been of service to our liver community and families. 2022 included in-person Liver Walks and our Salute to Excellence Gala Dinner to honor outstanding individuals within the liver community. I am most thankful for the support and help of our medical heroes who helped us host many virtual Ask Your Liver Doctor Webinars and bring updated information including the impact of COVID-19 on liver patients. 


As you consider your year-end contributions and tax obligations, I urge you to consider making a tax-deductible gift to support our efforts. Your contribution will take us one step closer to achieving our mission by discovering better treatments and providing support to more than 33 million Americans, suffering with these diseases. On behalf of the Leadership Board and the staff of the Liver Health Foundation, I wish you and your family a happy, safe, and healthy Holiday Season. 

A Young Liver Patient’s Story and Why She Supports Liver Health Foundation

Basketball lover, Star Student, Charismatic Liver Disease Advocate, and 2022 Liver Health Foundation's LIVER STAR.

Hi, I'm Molly Clark

I'm twelve years old and I was born with Biliary Atresia. I want to raise awareness of liver disease, so no more babies need to suffer from this disease.

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Liver Health Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) charity; FID# 87-3216218

Disclaimer:  Information given by Liver Health Foundation is not a substitute for advice given by your physician or health care provider.  We do not endorse any doctor, hospital, medical group, or treatment.

©2021 by Liver Health Foundation.  •  Proudly created with

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